lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2017

When you finish to study at high school, what career are you planning to choose in college? and why?

To enter university, to study a career as a business administration since I am very attracted to the numbers, besides it is a challenge for me since it is what I have chosen and I intend to put into practice everything I have learned in school and thus obtain the university degree that I long for. always to be happy before any calamity, to work hard to have my own house and to share it with my parents, sisters and brother, to keep in touch with my friends of the school and to be able to meet again with that special Angel that I always have in mind, which is and will be the only one to have filled the void that was in my heart and to which I thank for having filled my life with longings and dreams. my desire is to travel and to know new places, to do many things like to learn to swim (hahaha), to practice extreme sports, among others. But the most important thing is always to be in the ways of my God expressing the great joy that I have through the musical melodies.

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